1. Where did you study/What did you study?

I did my undergrad at Cambridge University, studying ‘Natural Sciences - Physics’. Lots of science courses are bunched under the name of ‘Natural Sciences’ there, and within that course you pick modules and specialise. I focused almost entirely on physics, but in my final year was able to study some History and Philosophy of Science as well.

Afterwards I did a masters at Oxford University, studying the Philosophy of Physics - which was kind of half theoretical physics, half talking about it. Within this course we covered Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science more broadly. I also did a paper on Metaphysics.

Video on this

2. Where can I study these things?

My best advice is to check out my book recommendations list here. Philosophy of Physics is very broad, but the starting book I always recommend is The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch.

3. What do you do for work?

Absolutely nothing related to Science or Philosophy.

I had a PhD offer from Oxford as I finished my masters there, but because of a slew of issues, some practical, some psychological, I couldn’t proceed with it. The last few years of my life have been pursuing work that allows me to fulfil creative ambitions without the associated stresses of needing to create to eat. But the long-term plan is to work creatively full time.

If you’re really curious, feel free to search me on LinkedIn.

4. Do you have a Podcast?

One is in the works! I’ll be shouting about it from the rooftops when it’s released, I’m just trying to gradually ramp up creative output without compromising quality or my health. To be kept in the loop of that, feel free to subscribe to my YouTube here.

Working title is “The Art of Science” - I want to do a short season on some ideas in the philosophy of science or philosophy of physics. After that, who knows.